Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ms. Janik Paper chomatography Lab - Stephanie Agredo H-27

What is Paper Chromatography?


Chromatography is a method for analyzing complex mixtures (such as ink) by separating them into the chemicals from which they are made.
Hypothesis Questions:

1.) Are colors mixed to make other colors?
   Yes colors mixed to make other colors.
2.) Can mixed colors separate into their components colors?
         Yes the can.
3.) Can black separate into its component colors?
                yes it does.
4.) Which colors will separate out?
           Grey or purple or maybe just black.




•Green and Black Markers
•Strips of Filter Papers
•Metric Ruler
•Plastic Cup
•Rubbing Alcohol

  • Fist, we made a dot on the two peaces of papper.
  • Next,we put the two peaces of paper in two separate cups.
  • One filled with alcohol and one filled with water.
  • Then, we waited to see what happened.
  • Afrer a couple of minutes we noticed that the peace of paper with alcohol started to spread and the peace of paper with water nothing was happing to it.
  • At the end the peace of paper with the alcohol was the one that separted the most.




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